English and German language courses
Our language courses try to fulfill the high rate language demands, as much as quality, efficiency and language diversity. Due to border crossing and the increasing mobility Language Knowledge is becoming more and more important not only for cultural aims but for professional success too. Nowadays the question is not whether you know a foreign language but how many foreign languages do you know.
For all these questions our language courses are the solution. They are organized in various languages and many levels. You can constantly apply for English, German, Spanish*, Italian*, French* Romanian and Hungarian language courses, on elementary, pre-intermediate, intermediate, upper intermediate levels. At the same time besides the state certificate you have the opportunity to attain an International ECL certificate, since our center is also working as an ECL International Language Center. The training programs are in accordance with the European standards and requirement; therefore they provide you with the suitable knowledge to take an international examination successfully.
Romanian language courses
The aim of the training is to acquire and practice Romanian for the sake of everyday use. Emphasis is put on fluency in speech and on developing the four communication skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening). The themes cover up important areas of everyday life, including office routine too.
Learn how to speak and become more successful! By adopting this principle, our courses contribute to better results achievements in schools, more successful exams in Schools and Higher Education and last but not least raise the chances for professional success.
At the end of the course the attendee have the opportunity to take the ECL International Exam.
Japanese language courses
The goal of the course is for students to acquire the Japanese formalities of communication , the correct use of the language in everyday life situations as well as the familiarisation with and the use of Japanese writing systems .The longterm goal of the course is to provide students with enough knowledge of the language to be able to take a basic level language exam and allow them to effectively prepare for further studies.
At the end of the course the basic level language exam can be taken at the Japanese embassy in Bucharest.