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Pension manager
It’s an official training that assures the obligatory professional training prescribed by law for pension and guest house leaders. The training’s main goal is to raise the pension’s competitiveness, their function on long term, the investments turning into profit. The training provides a comprehensive and practical knowledge about the pensions’ ranging categories, rating terms, administrative, financial, legal and organizational questions. The program touches upon intercultural characteristics too, the participants will at the same time receive useful information about fund organizations possibilities.
The training program is made up of getting off, field practice, during this time the participants will resort to catering trade unions and gather professional experiences.


Course name  Number of hours Length  Hours division Themes
Pension leader training  64  5 months  3 × 3  Organizational management marketing, promotion, financial planning computer operation

An official professional qualification granting training in accountancy (the qualification is not of an official accountant or accountant specialist, but entitles you to keep the books for smaller companies or do the pre-booking). The program targets the acquirements of basic accounting and the practicing of fundamental accounting operations, as well as its usage on computer with the help of the HAMOR program.

The training program consists of two parts: the first module is a 4 months length course containing theoretical accountancy, this is followed up by computerized accounting which is of 3 months length You can take part on this course by modules too. The attendees will learn how to keep the bookings to a smaller company.

Course name Number of Hours Length Hours division Themes
Accounting course 148 ⁄ 155
(98 theoretical, 50-60 computerized)
6 months 6 hours / week Basic ideas of accountancy (dealing with basic files, financial registry, balance sheet, financial reports), computerized usage (Hamor Soft or CIEL accounting programs)

Officially recognized training for intermediate social workers who during the training will acquire the basic knowledge of nursing and looking after (medical basics), the knowledge of adequate laws, child’s rights protection, handling crisis, communication, building social networks and acquire social skills. During the training the attendees will take part on practicing at different organizations.

Course name Number of Hours Length Hours division Themes
Social worker 81 3 month 2-3 times /week Basic skills, learning theory, helping connections, children’s rights and child protection, communication, crisis case handling, social knowledge, medical basics ,building social network,

Qualifications required for the course: basic school qualification and medical aptitude

After finishing this course successfully the attendees will receive a social worker’s certificate recognized by the state.

Possibility of payment by installment!


The goal of the carpenter and building joiner course is to provide a generally cultured, up to date, theoretical and practical training for professionals who will be able to work full time or part time on high buildings, industrial work fields and will be able to make wood and metal stands, ramps, hardstands or demolish, as well as making gable rooves, building works out of wood, or to assembly them, installing windows and doors, shuttering, making shutters out of wood and metal and supporters just as to demolish all these.

The certification of professional practice set by the program can be achieved at a place chosen by you.
Qualifications required for the course: basic school qualification and medical aptitude.

After finishing this course successfully the attendees will receive a carpenter and building joiner certificate recognized by the state.
Possibility of payment by installment!

General joiner course

The wood’s structure, as well as its technological characteristics determine its use on different products. That is why a joiner has to know all the wood types, its mechanical, physical, chemical characteristics, structural flaws of wood types, the efficiency of different working machines, just as the machines and production lines suitable for the new process of technology. The market’s globalization bring along the knowledge of the most modern polishing and decorating technology. At the same time we broaden the scales of the course with the usage methodology of computer controlled machines, the basic ideas of carving, as well as getting acquainted with specific technologies.

We recommend this course to anyone who wants to acquire a good job within adult’s education.

The certification of professional practice set by the program can be achieved at a place chosen by you.

Qualifications required for the course: basic school qualification and medical aptitude.

After finishing this course successfully the attendees will receive a joiner’s certificate recognized by the state.

Possibility of payment by installment!

The aim of the bricklayer course is to train generally used, up to date theoretically and practically prepared professionals to specialize in making flumes, wood profiles, partition walls, concrete and ferroconcrete profiles (basis, plinth wall, stairways, girders, wreaths and slabs) chimneys, aerators and drains, making plasters and surface treatments, repairing and maintaining duties, doing heat and water isolation works during their course.

The goal of theoretical training besides getting to know about building trade materials is to read the scheme documentations, to get acquainted with its layout and rules.

The certification of professional practice set by the program can be achieved at a place chosen by you.

Qualifications required for the course: basic school qualification and medical aptitude.

After finishing this course successfully the attendees will receive a bricklayer’s certificate recognized by the state.

Possibility of payment by installment!

It’s a compound and practical training about tender writing process starting from planning to carrying out. The course is being conducted by tender writing experts. Technical knowledge is passed over through concrete tender work introduction through structural bases program. The aim of the course is the conscious project work, planning, making up goal oriented action sequence, monitoring, project writing according to EU. These are those cognitions that play an important part in writing and making up a successful viable project. Those attendee who successfully finish this course will be able to make successful tender documentations so much for the EU as much as for the inland subventions for its consigners, organizations or institutions.

Target team  
  Firms, educational institutions, civil organizations
Training period:  
  5 days (Tuesday - Saturday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.)
The attendees are provided the following during the training

Training materials and other complementary materials on CD

Possibility for asking for thorough professional guidance and consultation during the training

The attendees full accessibility (for initiating building up partnerships) 2 coffee break, sandwiches.


  • Introduction in the European Structural Fund subvention system
  • Project work out: Starting from project generation supported by the European Structural Fund to the handing in of the tender
  • Project management: Project transaction supported by the European Structural Fund starting from preparing the supported project till the project’s administrative close up.

After finishing this course the attendees will no longer look at public procurement as a necessary bad thing and not even as some transparent science. Our tutors will clearly pass over their experiences, will direct you through the public procurements labyrinth and will point out how can you form public procurement into a strategic tool. They will specifically deal with the projects public procurements specialities realized by the EU sponsors.

According to the attendees requirements we provide two types of training

8 hours training (1 day) for self-governing leaders in order to work up an adequate approach and to hold the public procurements process in their hands
40 hours training (5 days) for professionals responsible for carrying out public procurements steps in order to acquire a deeper practical knowledge
1. How to view public procurements?
2. When do you have to apply it – how you shouldn’t slip out?
3. Public procurement as a series of decisions
4. Once more about preparation – be wise first!
5. Defensibility is a high class viewpoint

Training For leaders For professionals
Number of hours 8 hours
- 8 hours performance with interactive elements
40 hours
- 32 hours performance
- 4 hours case study
- 4 hours consultation
Test requirements   Writing test
Certificate Eurocenter Amőba Eurocenter Amőba

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Actual trainings

ECL, ECDL International exams...Language courses, IT courses, Training ...

International exams

Accounting, Social worker, Joiner and carpenter, Meason, Public procurement...

Professional education

Language courses, IT courses, Training ...


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Telefon / fax: +40 267 351 959  GSM: +40 744 616 449

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