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The ECL (European Consortium for the Certificate of Attainment in Modern Languages) Consortium running a language system it’s a committee representing European Language Centers which main goal is to provide a standard language test worked out for all EU members and candidates “the ECL” in order to assure a standardized, reliable, valid measurement of language knowledge and certificate. Within the ECL examination system one can take an international exam in the following languages: English, German, Italian, Spanish, Romanian, Croatian, Serbian, Bulgarian, Russian, and Slovak. The ECL language certificate is valid for a lifetime and is of international recognition.
ECL exams
The theme and form of the ECL exams was decided by specialists after a thorough examination and their probation on specialized groups. The ECL exam measures whether the candidate can speak, write and communicate in different life situations regarding its profession and work, as well as its private life.
Characteristics of ECL examination system

      Open for all ages

      Quality (worked out and run by European Universities)

      Practical (focuses on reading, writing, speaking and listening)

      Has 3 exam parts: complete (four competences) writing (writing and reading comprehension) and oral part (speaking and listening)

      You can take exams in several languages

      The certificate is valid for life

In Romania there are 7 private and 3 state Universities which organizes ECL exams, besides this there are 35 examination center working all over the country.
Level"A2" (elementary)
Level "B1" (accredited pre-intermediate)
Level "B2" (accredited intermediate)
Level "C1" (accredited advanced)
Enrolling for exams
You can enroll for an exam at any accredited examination center. You can find the centers list at: the ECL Romanian official representative is EUROCENTER AMŐBA TRAINING CENTER

The ECDL European Computer Use license is such a certificate which in the present ensures a unique and standardized knowledge of basic computer skills, informatics in over 150 countries with the recommendation of the European Committee. In Romania and Hungary the ECDL is a certified official qualification just as it’s a part of the National Pedagogy Postgraduate programs as well as a part of the cultural professional postgraduate programs. Its role will expectedly grow in public education too. In the present in Romania there are many accredited examination centers
Eurocenter Amőba is a regional ECDL representative for the counties Kovászna and Hargita. Therefore it can provide an official supervision on such ECDL exams. Exceptionally he has the right to examine in Hungarian language.
Exam modules
For attaining an ECDL certificate one has to put down one theoretical module and six practical modules. The duration of an exam is 45 minutes and the demands are basically about knowledge of computer use.
Module 1 – Fundamental ideas about information technology (IT)
Module 2 – Operation systems
Module 3 – Word processing
Module 4 – Chart operation
Module 5 – Spreadsheet
Module 6 – Presentation
Module 7 – Information and Communication
For obtaining the short cut ECDL START certificate one has to pass successfully over 4 modules and these are the followings: : 2., 3., 7. and one optional module.
Enrolling and taking an exam
Eurocenter Amőba ECDL Examination center organizes ECDL module exams in every two weeks, one can constantly check in at the secretariat. Here you have to pay in the registration fee. At that time the attendee will receive an examination card with this way having proof of their successful exams You can take any exams at any examination center with these examination cards. After passing successfully all the 7 modules the Romanian ECDL office will exhibit the certificate. The examination card is valid to 3 years starting from the first exam, regardless of passing successfully the exams or not.

EUROCENTER AMŐBA TRAINING CENTER provides also intensive adult courses even in complex, complete, modular forms too just to suit your needs. ECDL books and copies can be ordered from the center.
ECDL examination centers ran by Eurocenter
Sepsiszentgyörgy, telephone number: +40 267 351 959
Székelyudvarhely, telephone number: +40 266 219 766
Csíkszereda, telephone number: +40 266 372 044
Further information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Actual trainings

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Professional education

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România, Sfântu Gheorghe, 520014-Str. Bisericii 1/A.
Telefon / fax: +40 267 351 959  GSM: +40 744 616 449

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